Moonpay Login | Secure Login

Ways to Sign UP an account on Moonpay Login

●    For this step, you have to download and install the Moonpay login wallet by visiting the official Moonpay login website.

●    Create a new wallet for your Moonpay login account. 

●    Hit the Create a wallet button to generate the new ETH wallet.

●    Choose the agree or disagree option and give Feedback on the page to move on to the next step.

●    Then, input the password in the given field for your wallet. 

●    Click on the Password button, to retrieve your wallet without password.

●    Tap the grey area to see the seed phrase.

●    Now, input that seed phrase in the correct order.

●    After that, hit the Confirm icon to save the password.

●    That’s all, your Moonpay login wallet is ready to use.